8 Hour SAFE Comprehensive: Compliance Concerns for MLO’s in 2023 (#14900) (10/19/2023)

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

SAFE8 Webinar (#14900) 10/19/2023 11AM EST-5:45PM EST

The 8 Hour SAFE Comprehensive:  Compliance Concerns for MLO’s in 2023
Continuing Education Course Webinar is approved by the Nationwide Mortgage
Licensing System (NMLS) as course #14900 and contains federal law, ethics,
non-traditional mortgage guidance along with pertinent information meeting all
requirements associated with continuing education as outlined in the SAFE Act
of 2008.

This course upon successful completion meets the following

  • Three (3) hours of federal law and regulations;
  • Two (2) hours of ethics, which shall include
    instruction on fraud, consumer protection, and fair lending standards;
  • Two (2) hours of training related to lending
    standards of the nontraditional mortgage product marketplace; and
  • One (1) hour of electives;