Unlike other schools, My Mortgage Trainer always provides free test prep materials which are included in your purchase of a SAFE20 course order. However, some students have already taken the course and want additional Test Prep Material to go with their current material to insure success!
With our Test Prep Plus Package, students looking to successfully pass the exam can get the ultimate study package separate from the course, and let us tell you, this package is the mother load.
This “SAFE 20” Study Package includes:
Unlimited Ungraded Review SAFE20 Practice Tests (from a pools of 220+ questions). This format will allow you to answer the question and check to see if you answered the question correctly before moving on.
Unlimited Graded Review SAFE20 Practice Tests (from a pool of 220+ questions). This simulated test package will provide scores and a missed question report to help you study areas that you may be deficient in.
Unlimited Uniform State Test Prep
Test Prep Video Training–Learn how to break down the test outline with this genius test prep video
Ungraded simulated exam as well as a graded simulated exam from a pool of 350+ questions. The ungraded exam will also you to answer the question and check to see if you answered the question correctly before moving on. The graded exam will ask 125 questions and can be taken as many times as necessary until a score of 75% is achieved. This exam will also give a missed question report to show areas of deficiency.
Online Flashcards covering well over 300 questions including:
Notice: This study kit is for self-learning and study purposes. You will not receive any education credits for time spent using this study kit. This kit is a supplementary study tool only. If you have not taken a SAFE20 course yet, you will still need to do so. This Online Study Kit will be available in your student account upon purchase.
Contact Information
My Mortgage Trainer, Inc.
8420 Masters Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46250
(317) 566-0425
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9AM – 6PM EST
Friday: 9AM – 4PM EST
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
All Scheduled Webinar and Instructor Led Course times are EST
NMLS Approved Provider #1400080