Continuing Education (CE) Courses

How it Works

As a licensed MLO, you must complete at least 8 hours of NMLS approved Continuing Education from an NMLS approved provider on an annual basis in order to renew your state license. Keep in mind you may use the same provider but you may not take the same course in successive years. 

With My Mortgage Trainer, that’s not a problem, we submit NEW COURSES EVERY YEAR!

In addition, there are multiple states that will also require some additional state hours over and above your federally required 8. 
If you need a little help don’t hesitate to contact us, or check out these short videos for common renewal questions and answers.

Renew Licenses the Easy Way

Top 5 Mortgage CE FAQ

Below is a list of options for both state and federal CE courses. Only select courses for states you are already licensed in. If you’re not sure what states you need to complete CE for check your education record in your NMLS account.

If you don’t know how to locate your education records in your NMLS account check out the video below for assistance.

Federal 8 Hour CE

State Specific CE