$46.00 $39.10
As a mortgage professional, you play a critical role in protecting one of the most vulnerable segments of our population: senior citizens. With age often comes financial dependency, cognitive decline, or isolation—factors that create fertile ground for exploitation. Unfortunately, financial elder abuse is a growing issue in today’s complex economic landscape, and transactions involving intricate financial products like reverse mortgages are particularly susceptible to abuse.
In this course, we aim to empower you with the tools and knowledge needed to combat this pressing problem. Together, we will:
Contact Information
My Mortgage Trainer, Inc.
8420 Masters Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46250
(317) 566-0425
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9AM – 6PM EST
Friday: 9AM – 4PM EST
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
All Scheduled Webinar and Instructor Led Course times are EST
NMLS Approved Provider #1400080