
New MLO Success Package

NMLS-Approved Training 

With My Mortgage Trainer’s New MLO Success Package you get the required SAFE20 education that you need to obtain your MLO license.  Plus , this package includes State-Specific Pre-Licensing Education Courses for up to 2 states. Under the SAFE Act, new MLO’s must complete 20 hours of NMLS-approved education. My Mortgage Trainer offers 2 SAFE20 course format options, the webinar or the online-instructor led version. For more information on our SAFE20 courses, click here

Test Prep

Furthermore, you get our coveted Test Prep Plus Study Package, which consists of Unlimited SAFE20 practice tests, Test Prep Video Training, Ungraded & Graded Simulated Exams, Online Flashcards and the ability to sit through the live refresher course as many times as needed to feel prepared to sit for the test.  You won’t regret having this valuable set of tools at your disposal.

New MLO Success Tools

The New MLO Success Package also offers career building tools that will really get your career as a new MLO up and running.  It includes exclusive access to our Mortgage SCRIPTS media and coaching program . With ready to use media Scripts, full media plan, coaching, mastermind sessions, one on one instruction, and access to our community engagement groups to share our secrets on boosting your digital marketing presence. Your access to this program is our 90 day quick start program to quickly get you going, once your 90 days ends you may continue if you choose for a s little as $99 a month. With mortgage scripts and 10 minutes a day, you can instantly grow your mortgage pipeline with qualified leads. For more on Mortgage Scripts, Click Here