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Are Mortgage Loan Originators Fiduciaries?

Mortgage Loan Officers fiduciary responsibilities

Understanding the Role of Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs)

Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs) play a pivotal role in the mortgage lending process, assisting borrowers in securing loans. However, the extent of their fiduciary responsibilities can vary depending on whether they work for a mortgage broker or a lender. With that beings said let’s explore the question: Are mortgage loan originators fiduciaries?

Are Mortgage Loan Originators Fiduciaries?

Mortgage Brokers

In many states, MLOs employed by mortgage brokers are considered fiduciaries. This means they are legally obligated to act in the best interests of their clients—the borrowers. They must prioritize borrowers’ needs when recommending loan products and guiding them through the lending process.

Mortgage Lenders

MLOs working directly for lending institutions, such as banks or credit unions, may not always have a fiduciary duty to borrowers. While they are still required to provide accurate information and adhere to regulations, their primary obligation may be to their employer—the lending institution.

mortgage broker fiduciary responsibility
are mortgage broker fiduciaries
mortgage broker vs mortgage lender

Navigating the Landscape

For borrowers, it’s crucial to be aware of the laws and regulations governing MLOs in their state. By understanding whether MLOs are fiduciaries and how state regulations impact their responsibilities, borrowers can make more informed decisions when selecting a mortgage professional.

Final Thoughts

The fiduciary responsibilities of Mortgage Loan Originators can vary significantly depending on whether they work for a mortgage broker or a lender, as well as the state regulations in which they operate. By understanding these distinctions and researching local laws, borrowers can navigate the lending landscape more effectively and ensure they receive the guidance and support they need throughout the mortgage process.

Be sure to check out our post on the Difference Between Mortgage Broker and Mortgage Lender for more clarity on how these two roles are similar, but different.

Looking to change careers or just entering the job market? Getting your MLO license is a smart option that offers work from home job opportunities with national companies, high earning potential, and great benefits.

Click here and take a couple minutes to learn about the process to see if this career choice is right for you! 

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May 2024 Continuing Education Webinars

May Continuing Education Webinars

Are you a mortgage loan originator in California or Washington state striving to stay at the forefront of your profession? Look no further! Our upcoming webinar courses are crafted to equip you with the latest insights and updates. Our May Continuing Education Webinars for CA and WA are scheduled for 1:00PM PDT.

Join us for these lunch and learn sessions and to complete your CE requirements without the hassle of Bio-Signature! We also do a group review at the end of the session which serves as the test!

California Continuing Education Webinar

Date: May 21, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM EDT (1:00 PM PDT Start Time)
Course Title: 1-Hour CA DFPI SAFE CE Update for CA DFPI MLOs
Register Now: Click here

Stay ahead of the curve in California’s mortgage lending landscape with our dynamic 1-hour CA DFPI SAFE CE Update webinar. Led by industry experts, this session is curated to cover crucial topics and regulatory updates tailored specifically for California DFPI MLOs. 

Washington Continuing Education Webinar

Date: May 22, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM EDT (1:00 PM PDT Start Time)
Course Title: 1-Hour WA SAFE CE Update for Washington MLOs
Register Now: Click here

Calling all mortgage loan originators in Washington state! Our 1-hour WA SAFE CE Update webinar is tailored to keep you abreast of the latest industry trends and regulatory shifts in Washington. Led by seasoned professionals, this session offers invaluable insights to elevate your expertise and ensure compliance with state mandates.

Why Webinar Over Online Self Paced Courses?

  • Expert-Led Insights: Learn from industry experts who bring real-world experience and insights to the forefront.
  • Compliance Assurance: Fulfill your continuing education requirements and maintain compliance with state regulations.
  • Networking Opportunities: Forge connections with peers and expand your professional network.
  • Invaluable Knowledge: Gain pertinent insights and updates relevant to your day-to-day activities.
  • No Bio-Signature: Because our webinars are live instruction there no BioSig-ID requirement.
  • 50 Minute Session: NMLS allows for live instruction to be timed at 50 minutes per hour.
  • No Tests or Exam: Your instructor will perform a group review which serves as the course test.

Secure your spot now as our webinars fill up quickly!

Note: Per NMLS requirements you must have a camera on your device and must be visible on camera for the duration of the webinar. In addition, you must be on time for the start of the webinar. No late entries are permitted per NMLS regulations. 

All of our Webinars use Zoom Meeting technology. We recommend you test your device and camera with Zoom prior to the webinar start time to avoid any technical issues. Test your device/computer with Zoom here!

Click here to shop for  desktop and  laptop web cameras.

Don’t have Zoom? Setup the Zoom web browser app here!

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What to Do After Passing the NMLS Exam

Congratulations on successfully completing your Pre-Licensing education and acing your National Exam! You’ve achieved a significant milestone in your journey to becoming a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO). Now you might be wondering what to do after passing the NMLS exam. “What’s next?” Well, you’re in the right place. We’re going to walk you through the steps you need to take after passing the NMLS exam to become a licensed MLO. 

You may also review the information in video format if you prefer by clicking here.

Apply for Your Mortgage Loan Originator License

Once you’ve passed your national exam, the next crucial step is to apply for your Mortgage Loan Originator license through the NMLS website. Make sure to gather all the necessary State Licensing Requirements documents for your specific state before starting your application. Some employers may cover or reimburse your application fees, so it’s worth checking with them beforehand.

Complete the Application Process


Head over to the NMLS website and apply within your account. Depending on your state or employer, you may need to fill out and submit an Individual Form (MU4) after completing your coursework and SAFE MLO Test. Specify the jurisdictions where you wish to be licensed, pay the required fees, and submit your application to the relevant regulators. Keep track of your application status through your NMLS account—you can’t practice as an MLO until your license is approved.

Understand the Regulatory Requirements

The SAFE Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 established national standards for MLO licensure to regulate the mortgage industry and protect consumers. As part of this process, you’ll need to submit fingerprints for a criminal background check and authorize the NMLS to obtain an independent credit report. Be prepared to pay the necessary fees for these checks.

Pay State and NMLS Fees

In addition to the processing fees, you’ll also need to pay your state’s required licensing fee and the NMLS processing fee. State fees vary, so be sure to check your state’s application checklist for the specific costs. You can also find this information on our website under the state licensing tab.

In addition to the above fees you’ll need to complete a criminal background check, submit your fingerprints, as well as authorize a credit report check.

For more details on these processes and fees be sure to watch the videos linked at after this post.

after passing the NMLS exam pay state licensing fees and NMLS processing fees

Obtain Sponsorship from a State-Licensed Employer

To complete your journey to becoming a licensed MLO, you’ll need sponsorship from a state-licensed employer, confirming that your activities are supervised. Ensure that your employer has access to your NMLS record to initiate the sponsorship process. The first sponsorship request is free, but subsequent requests may incur fees for the company.

Seek Guidance and Support

Navigating the process of becoming a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you have any questions or need assistance along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to provide clarification on licensing requirements, connect you with potential employers, and offer guidance to help you thrive in this dynamic field.


Becoming a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator is a significant accomplishment that opens doors to a rewarding career. By following these steps and seeking support when needed, you’ll be well on your way to launching a successful career in the mortgage industry. Remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Reach out today, and let’s continue on this exciting journey together!

Don’t forget to explore the helpful informative videos provided below for more insights into the steps to becoming a licensed MLO.