Pre-licensing Education (PE)

How it Works

Looking to become a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator?

 Our pre-license education and test preparation plan can help. Our NMLS approved SAFE 20 Hour course is available as a 3 day live instructor taught webinar (highly recommended), or as a 7 day online instructor-led self-paced course. We support you throughout your journey, and our students consistently score higher than the national average.

Want to expand into additional states?

We provide NMLS approved pre-licensing and continuing education courses that meet the requirements of several states across the country. Our courses cover all the essential topics and state-specific information that you need to obtain and maintain your license or add additional licenses.

Below is a list of options for both state and federal PE courses. If you’re new to the mortgage industry your first priority is to complete the 20 hour course and pass the national exam.

If you’re already licensed and looking to add additional states, select from the State Specific PE courses.

If you’re not sure how to license in additional states, or what the benefits are, check out the videos below!

How to License in Additional States

Why You Should get Licensed in Mulitple States

SAFE 20 Hour Courses

State Specific PE